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[개발/랩뷰] iPad에서 LabVIEW를 하자

by SB리치퍼슨 2014. 10. 8.

iPad에서 LabVIEW를 하자

LabVIEW 뉴스에 나온 내용인데... 번역할 시간은 없어서 그냥 갈무리를 하지만.

iOS나 Android 기반에서 사용할 수 있는 Data Dashboard for LabVIEW 2.2가 출시 되었습니다.

아이패드에서 랩뷰를 사용해서 편리하게 모니터링 할 수 있는 환경이 될 꺼라 생각됩니다.

내년에는 꼭 현업에 적용할 생각....행동으로 옮겨야..

Data Dashboard for LabVIEW 2.2 has been released for iOS and Android tablets. With this new version,LabVIEW users can not only view and control network published data on their mobile devices, but also share created dashboards between iOS and Android devices.


This version brings the same customization and functionality that was previously only available on the iPad to Android tablets, including key features for users developing more sophisticated mobile-based user interfaces.


Key Features:

  • Alternate Servers - Set up one dashboard to monitor multiple targets and use the drop-down menu to switch where the data is streaming from while the dashboard is running
  • Multi-plot - View multiple data sets on one UI element instead of multiple, because Data Dashboard for LabVIEW now supports 2D array of numerics as a datatype for charts and graphs
  • Transparency – Adjust the transparency of images, controls, and indicators on your dashboard


>> Download Data Dashboard for LabVIEW in iTunes.

>> Download Data Dashboard for LabVIEW in Google Play.

출처: https://decibel.ni.com/content/blogs/labview-news-english/2014/09/23/interact-with-labview-from-your-tablet

