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commit messages in Git, Redmine Sync

by SB리치퍼슨 2019. 4. 1.



Referencing issues in commit messages

When fetched from the repositories, commit messages are scanned for referenced or fixed issue IDs.
These options lets you define keywords that can be used in commit message to reference or fix issues automatically, and the status to apply to fixed issues.

Default keywords are:

  • for referencing issues: refs, references, IssueID
  • for fixing issues: fixes, closes

There's no default status defined for fixed issue. You'll have to specify it if you want to enable auto closure of issues.
If you want to reference issues without using keywords, enter a single star: * in the Referencing keywords (Administration/Repository) setting. In this case, any issue ID found in the message will be linked to the changeset.

Example of a working commit message using default keywords:

This commit refs #1, #2 and fixes #3

This message would reference issues 1 and 2 and automatically fix issue 3.
After a keyword issue IDs can be separated with a space, a comma or &.

The keywords are caseinsensitive and at least one blankspace or colon is needed between the keyword and the first hash to produce 
a match. More examples that will produce the same result as the example above:

This commit refs:#1, #2 and fixes #3 This commit Refs #1, #2 and fixes #3 This commit REFS: #1, #2 and fixes #3

Enable time logging

Allows time logging directly from commit messages. This only makes sense if you activated the "Time tracking" module in said project. In this case, you can add special words in your commit message to indicate the time you spent on an issue.

The basic syntax for doing that is : @<time>, where time consists in a number of hours or minutes.

Here's a list of many valid commit messages that would work if you want to say you spent N hours on issue 1234:

Implement feature #1234 @2 Implement feature #1234 @2h Implement feature #1234 @2hours Implement feature #1234 @15m Implement feature #1234 @15min Implement feature #1234 @3h15 Implement feature #1234 @3h15m Implement feature #1234 @3:15 Implement feature #1234 @3.25 Implement feature #1234 @3.25h Implement feature #1234 @3,25 Implement feature #1234 @3,25h

Activity for logged time

This is the type of activity that should be used when detecting there's a log time in a commit message (see above).






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