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Delphi, RadStudio82

[delphi] Registering DLL and ActiveX controls from code [delphi] Registering DLL and ActiveX controls from code How to register (and unregister) OLE controls such as dynamic-link library (DLL) or ActiveX Controls (OCX) files from a Delphi application. RegSvr32.exe The regsvr32.exe command-line tool registers dll and ActiveX controls on a system. You can manually use the Regsvr32.exe (Windows.Start - Run) to register and unregister OLE controls such a.. 2011. 11. 28.
[delphi] COM Server or ActiveX OCX 등록 및 해제 Overriding the Registration exports from a COM In-Process Automation Server or ActiveX OCX Control How to perform additional work during the Registration routines of the COM In-Process Automation Server or OCX Control Many of us may need, at some point in time, to perform set operations on the registration or un-registration of either an In-Process Automation Server or an ActiveX OCX control tha.. 2011. 11. 28.
[delphi] OCX 등록 및 해제 [delphi] OCX 등록 및 해제 // (COM Server) OCX 등록 및 해제 // usage: // RegOCX('C:\Test.ocx'); unit ocxUtils; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, ComObj; procedure RegOCX(const DLLName: string); procedure UnRegOCX(const DLLName: string); implementation procedure RegOCX(const DLLName: string); begin if FileExists(DLLName) then RegisterComServer(DLLName); end; procedure UnRegOCX(const DLLName: string); type T.. 2011. 11. 28.
[개발/delphi] TMemo 에서 라인 선택하기 [개발/delphi] TMemo 에서 라인 선택하기 TMemo 에서 라인별로 마우스 드래그를 통해 선택한 것처럼 하는 함수. procedure MemoLineSelect(Memo: TMemo; LineNum: Integer); begin if Memo.Lines.Count 2011. 10. 29.
[개발/delphi] 중복 실행 방지 델파이로 중복 실행 방지 구현 소스 골라서 쓰자. =============================================================== #1 program Project; uses Forms, Windows, Dialogs, uMain in 'uMain.pas' {frmMain}; var hMutex : THandle; {$R *.res} begin hMutex := CreateMutex(nil, true, 'MajorProj'); // your mutex If (hMutex 0) and (GetLastError = 0) Then Begin Application.Initialize; Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := true; Application.C.. 2011. 9. 1.
[개발/delphi] 절대 죽지 않는 프로그램 만들기 dpr 프로젝트 파일을 아래와 같은 형태로 만들면 된다. programProject1; uses Forms, Windows, Messages, Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas'{Form1}; {$R *.res} var Msg: tagMSG; 종료금지: Boolean; const WM_MYQUIT = WM_USER+2533; begin 종료금지:=True; Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.Run; while종료금지 do begin whilePeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) do begin ifMSG.message = WM_MYQUIT then begin 종료금지:=Fal.. 2011. 8. 1.